All of the components have almost identical APIs and can therefore be replaced by each other with only minimal code changes. The Jv* components are open-source (JEDI-VCL 3.10), whereas the FreeBase solution is proprietary (published by Rainer Reusch in the 'Toolbox' magazine) and saves in its own binary format.
Reading vs. writing
Usually, data is read more often than written. In this regard, all components perform well. If one considers deleting data crucial, the Registry is surprisingly slow (much slower than adding data).
Data loss
We know that our application sometimes looses FreeBase-stored data and there is a suspicious property 'OverwriteCrashed'. Still, it is not clear whether it's actually FreeBase loosing the data, because changes are kept in memory, so any crash could prevent flushing. More thourough tests are needed to address this aspect.